alumina fiber

[材] 氧化铝纤维



[材] 氧化铝纤维
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1·The results indicate that there is a coupled interface between alumina fiber and Si phase, and the fiber can serve as propitious sites for the heterogenous nucleation of Si phase.
2·Alumina fiber reinforced zinc alloy composites were manufactured by squeeze casting, and the effects of alumina fibers on the solidified structures of the zinc alloy composites were studied.
3·The experiment results have revealed as follows: 1) the catalytic activities of the Pt and Pd supported on the high alumina fiber of Huayan catalysts are higher than that supported on other fibers.
4·The self-sharpening action of the cutting edge on the Fine Alumina Fiber Rod tips provides superior grinding performance. Continuous cutting edges provide stable and continuous grinding performance.
5·In this paper, the solidifying structure of alumina short fiber reinforced aluminum-silicon alloy composite is studied on the basis of domestic alumina short fibers.
6·The preparation method of alumina hollow fiber membrane by reaction bonding of aluminum oxide (RBAO) technique combined with dry wet spinning process was introduced in this paper.
7·Types ASPA-1 and ASPA-2 alumina-silica fiber paper are premium grade lightweight refractory material made from high-purity alumina-silica fibers formed into highly flexible sheets.
ASPA - 1型和aspa - 2型的氧化铝—氧化硅纤维纸是优质的轻质耐火材料,它们由高纯度的氧化铝—氧化硅纤维制造成高弹性的薄片状的。
更新时间:2025-03-10 04:30